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Minutes of the 2019 AGM of the WASSI


The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Walsh Aviation Support Society Inc (WASSI) opened at 2115hrs NZDT in the Matamata Aeroclub at Waharoa Aerodrome on Saturday the 19th of January 2019.

Attended by:

Andrew Bason; Dean Beverley; Steven Bodt; Rory Buchanan; Dene Busby; Taran Busby; Brianna Coffee; Carolyn Craig; Phillip Craig; Chris Fraser; Gwyn Fraser; Tracey Gore; John Hamilton; Susan Hamilton; Fred Hansen; James Hillson; Jack Holworthy; David Jupp; Kate Lindsey; Penny Mackay; Sue Mealing; Rod Milne; Mal Morters; Simon Nicholson; Steve Paki Paki; Gary Parata; James Pengelly; George Perigo; Gordon Ragg; Janelle Rouse; Nick Rowe; Callum Ryall; Steve Scott; Aaron Silcock; Andrew Sims; Jill Smith; Glen Sycamore; Janet Taylor; Matt Tiernan; Nic Vanderschantz; Nicola Vanderschantz; Sam Watson; Jeff Walton; Mark Woodhouse.

Apologies were received from:

Gerald Carter; Wayne Coupland; Simon Davies; Amanda DeMonte; Brian Haybittle; Kelly Haybittle; Penny MacKay; Tui McInnes; Murray Miskelly; Bronwyn Scott; Melissa Silcock; Jason Robson; and Clive Williams.

Resignation received from:

Wayne Coupland.

A motion was tabled that the apologies and resignations be accepted.

Moved by Nic Vanderschantz

Seconded by Gary Parata

Passed unanimously.


The meeting was opened by Mark Woodhouse, who welcomed the members to the AGM and thanked them for their attendance.

Mark noted that the meeting would generally follow established protocols but emphasised that questions and open discussion were invited and encouraged.

Mark then reminded the meeting of the purposes of the WASSI:

- Raise and hold funds toward the purchase of a fleet of training aircraft and any supporting facilities and equipment that can be used by the Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School;

- Acquire and maintain a fleet of training aircraft and associated facilities and equipment;

- The general and fiscal support and benefit of aviation and aviation students; and,

- Do anything necessary or helpful to the above purposes.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

Minutes of the AGM of the WASSI held in January 2018 were distributed to all members by email shortly after said meeting and were available at the AGM members to view.

A motion was tabled that the minutes of the AGM of the WASSI held on the 19th of January 2018 be taken as read and accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Moved by Gordon Ragg

Seconded by Taran Busby

Passed unanimously.

Chairman’s Report

The Chairman tabled and spoke to his report.

A number of copies of the Chairman’s Report were made available to the members at the meeting and a copy of the Chairman’s Report is attached to these minutes.

A motion was tabled that the Chairman’s Report be received and entered into the records of the Society.

Moved by Jack Holworthy

Seconded by Andrew Bason

Passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer tabled and spoke to his report.

A number of copies of the Treasurer’s Report were made available to the members at the meeting and a copy of the Treasurer’s Report is attached to these minutes.

A member enquired as to why the amount invested in FML in the Treasurers Report was significantly less than the total mentioned by the treasurer in his presentation. Steven explained that the WASSI’s financial year ended on the 30th of September and that a number of invoices were received and paid after that date. These amounts would show in the 2019 Report.

About $85,000 (GST exclusive) was invested in FML.

The Chairman also made the point that it is the committee’s objective that very little or no expenditure be made by the WASSI, other than on purchasing and applicably restoring and equipping aircraft. In the 2018 financial year the only exception to achieving this was the legal fees paid for assistance in gaining Charitable Status. All marketing and accounting costs are picked up by Waypoints Aviation Ltd as their contribution to the WASSI.

A motion was tabled that the Treasurer’s Report be received and entered into the records of the Society.

Moved by Simon Nicholson

Seconded by Dene Busby

Passed unanimously.

Election of Committee Members

It was agreed at the Inaugural Meeting of the WASSI in January 2017, that the term for holding a Committee position should be two years (refer previous minutes).

Also, there have been no resignations, nor has any notice been received of a desire to remove a committee member by vote.

The existing Committee Members, as noted below, have agreed to stand again and approval was sought for their re-election of for a further two years.

Mark Woodhouse - Chairman

Steven Bodt - Treasurer

John Hamilton

Stephen Scott

David Jupp

Mark noted that he had found it a challenge to hold two roles and that he would appreciate passing the role of Secretary to a new committee member. The committee had approached Nic Vanderschantz and asked if he would consider being nominated for the position. He was.

A motion was tabled that the WASSI Committee comprise:

Mark Woodhouse - Chairman

Steven Bodt - Treasurer

Nic Vanderschantz - Secretary

John Hamilton

Stephen Scott

David Jupp

Moved by Gordon Ragg

Seconded by Steve Paki Paki

Passed unanimously.

Motions to be Considered

No other motions were presented, either before or during the AGM.

General Questions / Discussion

Gordon Ragg addressed the meeting to discuss the difference between supporting WASSI with donations which were tax deductable, and bequests in a will, which are not tax deductable. He also emphasised that benefactors who made donations would be able to see the benefit of their support.

He invited the members to consider mentioning this to those they approached for support.

Simon Nicholson added that some benefactors choose to donate their tax refund as another contribution back to the organisation they are supporting.

Steve Scott mentioned his appreciation for the efforts made by JEM Aviation in restoring FML, both for the quality of their work and for the fact that they gave high priority to FML to have it available in time for the school. He also offered to go through the receipts for the restoration but emphasised that the cost was very reasonable.

Aaron Silcock asked if “support-in-kind” would be acceptable as a means of supporting the WASSI. the chairman said that, while this had not been considered, we would be happy to hear of all proposals.

Aaron also asked how ATC and others found the visibility of the paint scheme. It received strong endorsement.

Jack Holworthy offered the opinion that a black pinstripe line between the white and yellow might improve the delineation. The committee undertook to explore the options.

The Chairman summed up the progress of the WASSI and thanked the members for their continued and growing support. He emphasised that as we now had Charitable Status, we were in a position to ramp up the marketing of WASSI and the exploration of initiatives to increase support for our efforts.

He invited their continued contribution of ideas and asked that members take their own initiatives to generate funding support.

A member inquired about receipts for donations. It was discussed that Xero is being rolled out. It was in regards to claiming tax back – and with March coming quickly it was acknowledged that this was something to organise in short time.


The Annual General Meeting of the Walsh Aviation Support Society Inc. (WASSI) closed at 2206 hrs NZDT on Saturday the 19th of January 2019.

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