JHF was purchased from a private owner based in Taupo, although it was previously operated by the Canterbury Aero Club. In early April 2022, JHF was leased to Nelson Aeroclub. Later in the year JHF was involved in an incident resulting in a prop strike at relatively high power.
Fortunately, the insurance accepted our claim, and within a fortnight of acceptance, Jay McIntyre came over to Nelson to complete the removal of the (very low hour) engine, which was sent to South Air in Dunedin for the mandatory bulk strip and inspection. The prop was sent to Airbus in Blenheim for its inspection. Luckily, the prop could be repaired but is apparently on limits.
The second of the two rebuilt engines WASSI had purchased from Lycoming was fitted, JHF was back in the air that same weekend, landing back at Motueka.
In late July Hawkes Bay and East Coast Aeroclub began leasing JHF.
In November 2022 JHF had its initial avionics upgrade of a Garmin GTX335W ADS/B Out and In Transponder and a Garmin Aero 660 VFR GPS Navigator display.