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February 2021 update

Wow a lot has happened since Walsh 2021. Isn’t it great that we were able to hold the Flying School now that Auckland has gone into Level 3 and the rest of the country to Level 2, although coming out of it very soon!.

I am very very very pleased to advise that Woody is doing well and improving by the day, not that it has been easy. He is back at home and will be able to drive again in a few weeks’ time.

The inspection of the low hours Piper Tomahawk in Los Angeles proved that the aircraft is in very good condition and has been hangered all its life. As a committee we then decided to go ahead with buying this aircraft for US7,500. The aircraft has now been relocated to a Maintenance centre in LA and will now be dismantled for packing into a container. The aircraft registration N24634 has now been deregistered and is expected to be shipped next month to the Port of Nelson and then onto Omaka. We will then do a full assessment and decide exactly in the details of the refurbishment. This will include a totally rebuilt engine, LED lights new upholstery, avionics and ultimately bringing it up to the same high standard as FML. To ensure excellent visibility of the aircraft we are planning to paint it with the same scheme as FML, but likely in a shade of orange.

Since the school we have continued to have a steady stream of regular donations which as mentioned at the AGM is absolutely crucial to our success.

Earlier this week marked another major milestone for WASSI with the receipt of a donation of $90,000!! for the Tomahawk out of California, key in helping us move on this project. We are all incredibly grateful for this anonymous donation.

The Cessna 152 Aerobat MUM is also now full steam ahead and again JEM Aviation is fully refurbishing this aircraft again to the same standard as FML. We are still working with Richard and Carol to decide on the colour scheme.

So our aim is to have these two newly refurbished aircraft ready for Walsh 2022, thereby tripling!!! our fleet.

Thank you once again for all your support including that of Jay and his team from JEM Aviation.

We look forward to updating you further as more news comes to hand.

Steven Bodt, WASSI Treasurer.


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